What’s “Surala Ninja!”?

Surala Ninja! is designed to support all children to acquire core mathematical competencies. The programme focuses on the four basic operations — addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division — with a total of 34 lessons, broadly covering Grade 1 to 6 curricula.
What is distinctive about “Surala Ninja!”?
Surala Ninja! starts with understanding individual children’s math skill levels. This is followed by the selection of level-appropriate lessons for each child. Once the child starts the programme, they
watch lectures given by animated characters
practise what they have learned through lectures by answering questions, and
take mini-tests at regular intervals.
In this way, the programme ensures that the learners achieve a level of mastery in prerequisite knowledge before moving on to the next concept area.
Sample units

Meet our Ninjas!
We have five main Ninja characters who guide children to learn basic mathematics. Each character is in charge of one of the four operations — addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Our cat called Oboro will appear in all units, supporting the main characters and giving encouragement to children.

Surala Ninja! Digital Learning Programme
- Personalised and adaptive programme.
- Designed for children to master the four basic operations
- Works for learning at school or at home.
- Broadly covers Grade 1 to 6 math curricula.
- Available in English, Sinhala, and Bahasa Indonesia.
Teacher management panel / dashboard
- When the programme is used in schools, teachers can monitor individual students’ progress by checking a teacher’s dashboard.
- The “Learning Design” function enables teachers to develop custom-made learning plans for their students.

What you need to start Surala Ninja!
Basic facilities such as computers or tablets, headphones, and internet connections are needed.
- Supported devices: Windows PC / Mac / Chromebook / iPad
- Supported browsers: Microsoft Edge / Google Chrome (Latest version)
- OS: Windows11 / Windows10
- CPU: Intel Core i 3 – 2370M (2.40GHz) or higher
- Memory: 4GB or higher